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Guided Shadow Work

Talking to a therapist is sadly still quite stigmatized even nowadays, and taking the decision to make a move in that direction can seem very scary for so many reasons. If you are already evaluating the option to take this road, then start congratulating yourself for considering working seriously on your growth, as this is the first step! 
If calling it “talking therapy” disturbs you because of the stigma around going to a therapist them lets call it “Guided shadow work”.
Shadow work is what we call digging through our issues and patterns to work toward healing. This means exposing parts of ourself that we have been hiding, parts of ourself that you do not normally feel comfortable facing but need to be exposed to work on growth.
During these sessions you will have a safe and non-judgmental space to talk about life, issues, goals, and traumas. This space is inclusive and means it is safe for LGBTQ, body mods enthusiast, sex workers, and all ethnicities. As a life coach I will help you, guide you, and support you through your healing and reaching your life goals.
My expertise areas are C-PTSD, relationship, self-discovery & self-love, and patterns.
These sessions can provide a radical grounding sensation. They may be used in parallel with other types of sessions provided by The Occult Therapy.

Warning: this is not a substitute for psychotherapy!

How does it go?
The first step is to contact me via email to ask for a date and time for your first session, please insert your availability (you can find my time availability on the contact section). 
I will reply confirming a date and time that match both our time possibilities and will add a questionnaire in word format that will help me to know you better by acquiring background information. You must insert all your answers in the word document and send it back to me minimum 12h prior our meeting.
By the end of the first session we will have decided the regularity of our meetings, and a few goals will be determined. This kind of debrief will be done regularly.
10 minutes before the end of every session, we will make a recapitulation of what has been discovered during the past 40 minutes, and you will be assigned some homework if needed.

This service is done over video call in English, French, or Italian.
Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for psychiatric therapy/treatment.

Session fee 100€ (1300NOK)
Reduced fee for low income 60€ (800NOK)
Duration 50min, preferably 2 or 4 times per month, or alternatively as a one off when needed.

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