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Rope workshop

The rope teaching is divided in individual workshops that each cover a specific topic. This way the student can choose their desired topics or follow through the whole program step by step, or better say workshop by workshop. For people who wish to have a little taste of different workshop without the commitment to dive fully into each workshop I also propose different packages. The workshop can be private or shared with other people. Sharing the workshop will not split the cost ,but instead gives a discount between 15 to 20%. 

The workshop as to be requested via email unless you find in the Event page some group workshop already organised; and then you can book your spot via email.

Safety for riggers and bunnies
Theory to create a great rope experience
Somatic session
Beginner ties
Intermediate ties


Safety for riggers and bunnies 1h15 100€

Can be done online and alone.
This workshop is essential for anyone practicing rope tying, riggers and models. Everyone is responsible for the physical and mental safety of their own self and of the person they share this experience with.
During this workshop, that is purely theoretical and for so can be done online, we will discuss anatomy, understand the concept of pain vs sensations, and how do we feel in the middle of all of this. 
This is not just a class where I will be talking at you but the goal is to transform it into a conversation where you have space to discover more about yourself.

Pain Vs. Sensations
Nerves and Veines
Little accidents and accountability
Negotiating a session
Healthy communication
Absolute rules of safety


Theory to create a great rope experience 1h15 100€

Can be done online and alone.
For riggers and models, this workshop is aiming to have you learn about your own desires within your rope journey. How to start and develop it while discovering yourself by asking the questions that we often overlook. When you understand your needs you will be able to get what you desire out of the rope experience and make this practice not only fulfilling but also sustainable. 

Entering a rope journey can be extremely intimidating and cause to many to abandon their goals. With this workshop you will learn that a great rope session is not at all about knowing your knots well but rather about how people feel. Let’s discover how you want to feel and make other people feel to have a magical experience.

Practice Vs. Sessions
Real talks
Grounding before tying
Tips and tricks
Aftercare and feedback


Somatic session 2h30 250€

Must be done in person and with a partner or a model.
This workshop is for everyone who want to make a huge difference in how their sessions feels like, and it is everyone’s favourite. Both beginners and advance riggers will gain a lot of awareness about how and what they communicate with their ropes and their bodies during the sessions. 

Body language
Rope tension
Handling and moving the body
Holding space and giving space


Beginner ties 2h 200€

Must be done in person and with a partner or a model.
This workshop is purely hands on ropes and how to start to use it. Everyone has different ways to learn, and we will try to cover different approaches, so anyone can leave this workshop with a sense of having gained new skills that can be continued to be practiced, mastered, and evolved after the workshop. There will be ties to learn by heart but also you will be challenged to develop an intuitive way to use the rope. This intuitive new skill will enable you to navigate through your rope journey with a lot more ease.

Designed for absolute beginner riggers, this workshop have been proven to bring a bright new point of view on the rope use to already experienced riggers as well.

Single and double column tie
Developing intuitive rigging
Ties for beginner
Tying game


Intermediate ties 2h30 250€

Must be done in person and with a partner or a model.
This workshop is designed for people with already basic fundamental knowledge such as safety, theory, and even some rope practice, and wish to get into proper constructed ties. You can come with wishes on which ties to learn or follow a program that increase the difficulty as we go. Also if you do not have the basic knowledge required I highly recommend to attend first workshops such as safety and theory (mentioned above).

Warning: You must know that my rope tying is prioritising functionality over aesthetic and that if you desire to learn an aesthetic ties that provide no function than I might not be the teacher for you.



The workshop packages are meant for people who wish to learn a little bit of everything to have a test of it and good enough skill to start tying well and safe. The packages include a composition of different workshop put together. This means that each workshop is reduced in his content and that less time will be dedicated to both the theory and also the practice. 

If you wish rope to be an important part of your life and want to invest fully in learning it I recommend to avoid the packages and take each workshop individually to get a proper apprenticeship.

Beginner 1: Safety + theory + beginner + somatic
4h30 450€ (recommended to split over 2 days). For more than one couple 350€

Beginner 2: Safety + theory + beginner 
3h 300€. For more than one couple 250€

Intermediate 1: Safety + theory + somatic + intermediate 
4h30 450€ (recommended to split over 2 days). For more than one couple 350€

Intermediate 2: Theory + somatic + intermediate
4h 400€ (to split over 2 days if requested). For more than one couple 350€

Intermediate 3: Safety + somatic + intermediate
4h 400€ (to split over 2 days if requested). For more than one couple 350€

Theory package: Rope maintenance + Safety + theory 
2h 200€ (online possible)


Jute rope

Available for purchase: Jute rope 6mm or 8mm thick, 8m long, already treated, vegan, and ready for use. The purchase come with a flyer containing information about the product and its maintenance.
20€ per piece, shipping not included.

Contact me

Photos by @marcus_crane_

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