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Numerology reading

With your full name and date of birth, I will reveal your core Numbers. We will discover some of your tendencies, what is your purpose, how to attend to your self-care, how people perceive you, your natural qualities and weaknesses, and maybe even a karmic debt. With this knowledge you will be able to take well thought decisions for yourself and trust your path.
Since I was a little child I play giving personalities to Numbers, only to, few years ago, discover that it is an actual divinatory practice called Numerology. Not so surprisingly my little numbers were petty accurate to what Numerology teaches. With occult knowledge and natural intuition, I will interpret your core Numbers and help you make sense to many mysteries about your life.

The name is the key to the qualities it beholds.

How does it go?
Send me an email requesting a reading. Mention a couple time and dates option that could work for you after you consulted my availabilities on my calendar (see contact me section) and which platform you prefer using. Write your full name as stated in your birth certificate, as well as your new name if you changed it legally, and your date of birth (time is not needed). I will reply to you with a date confirmation.

Session fee 120€ (1500nok)
This service is provided over video call (skype, zoom, or google meet)
English, French, Italien possible.

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